Sunday, 31 May 2009

Monday, 11 May 2009

Skins tariler

In what ways are Teenagers represtented in this trailer?

party crashers
go about in gangs
no respect for authority

How are these representations constructed?

Pacy music-loud can't hear- only see what their doing, focus on their actions, things getting out of
control, the structure blurs as it progresses and kids get more out of control

Reasearch task

Pick one drama, soap or one-off TV series find out:

*what time(s) and channel(s) it is broadcast on.
*When it started (and finished, if appropriate).
*Who makes it (its production company)
*What its highest ratings have been.
*What its target audience is (demographics and phsycographics).
*What the critics have said about it.

*Also, give a detailed brief of the sypnosis including settings and characters.

Textual Analysis

Textual analysis of breaking down a text into its various elements and studying them to analyse how a meaning is created. When analysing moving image media (such as film or television) we must examine the following areas:
Camera work (shots, angles, movements)
Editing (how shots have been put together)
Sound (both digetic and non-digetic)
Special effects (if there are any)
Mise-en-scene (costume, make-up, facial expression, props setting, performance)

Camera movements

Crab- the camera moves sideways.
Side- The camera stays in the same place but pivots left or right.
Steadicam- strapped to a person.
Hand-held camera- Hand-held.


Low Camera- looking up at subject, making it look bigger
Canted- Camera is tilted to make subject look tilted
High- Camera is looking down on subject, making it look smaller
Worms eye- Extreme low angle, camera looking up, very low
Eye level- Camera pointed exactly at suject
Birds eye/Arieal- Extereme high angle, Camera or high angle very high, looking down.